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Overview of JDBC in Java

Overview of JDBC



JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity, which is a Java API used to connect and execute database operations with databases such as Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. It provides a set of standard interfaces and classes for accessing and manipulating relational databases from Java programs.

In an overview of JDBC, it is important to understand the various components of JDBC:

  1. Driver Manager: This class manages the JDBC drivers that are installed on the system.
  1. Driver: This is the implementation class that connects to a specific database. The JDBC driver can be provided by the database vendor or developed by a third-party organization.
  1. Connection: This interface represents a connection to the database. You can use this interface to establish a connection to the database, create and execute statements, and commit or roll back transactions.
  1. Statement: This interface represents an SQL statement that can be executed against the database.
  1. ResultSet: This interface represents the result of an SQL query. You can use this interface to retrieve data from the result set.
  1. PreparedStatement: This interface extends the Statement interface and represents a pre-compiled SQL statement with parameters.
  1. CallableStatement: This interface represents a stored procedure call with parameters.

In summary, JDBC provides a standardized way to access and manipulate relational databases from Java programs. By understanding the various components of JDBC, you can write code to establish connections to the database, execute SQL statements, and retrieve data from the database.

March 25, 2023

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