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Control statements in Java

Control statements



Control statements are an essential component of any programming language, including Java. In Java, control statements are used to control the flow of the program's execution, allowing programmers to create complex and dynamic programs that respond to changes in input or conditions.

Java has three main types of control statements: selection statements, iteration statements, and jump statements.

Selection statements allow Java programs to select different paths of execution based on specific conditions using if-else and switch statements. If-else statements allow the program to execute different blocks of code if a certain condition is met, while switch statements allow the program to compare a value with multiple cases and execute the corresponding block of code.

Iteration statements allow Java programs to repeat a sequence of code until a certain condition is met using for, while, and do-while loops. For loops are used when looping for a fixed number of times, while while and do-while loops are used for looping based on a condition being true.

Jump statements allow Java programs to transfer control to different parts of the program. The break statement is used to immediately terminate loops, while the continue statement skips the current iteration of the loop and starts a new one. The return statement is also a jump statement that is used to return a value to the calling method and terminate the current method.

Overall, control statements are powerful tools that allow Java programmers to create sophisticated programs that can make intelligent decisions, repeat certain blocks of code, and redirect program flow as needed.

March 25, 2023



Java control statements are used to control the flow of the program's execution. They allow you to make decisions, repeat operations, and even execute code based on specific conditions.

There are three main types of control statements in Java:

  1. Selection Statements: These statements enable you to make decisions and choose different paths for your program. Java provides two types of selection statements: if-else statements and switch statements.
  1. Iteration Statements: These statements allow you to repeat a block of code multiple times. Java provides three types of iteration statements: for loops, while loops, and do-while loops.
  1. Jump Statements: Jump statements allow you to change the normal flow of the program. Java provides three types of jump statements: break statements, continue statements, and return statements.

Using these control statements, you can make your Java program more intelligent and efficient. For example, you can use if-else selection statements to handle different user inputs or exceptions that might occur. You can use for loops to perform repetitive tasks, such as iterating through an array or processing a list of data. Overall, control statements are essential to any Java application and allow you to create more complex, dynamic programs.

March 25, 2023

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