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Welcome to this course on Java programming. In this course, we will be discussing the theme of Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) in Java



Welcome to the course on Java. In this session, we will be discussing the theme of "Object-Oriented Programming Concepts in Java".

Java is one of the most popular programming languages used worldwide, known for its versatility and ability to build complex applications. One of the key reasons behind its popularity is the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigms that it supports.

Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm or style of programming that allows you to model complex and large systems through a hierarchal grouping or compartmentalization of data and functions. This technique or approach follows four basic concepts that make it easier to conceptualize and design complex software systems. These four concepts are namely, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Abstraction.

In this course on Java, we will cover all these concepts and learn how to use them in Java. We will cover topics that teach how to write code with OOP concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. We will also discuss some real-world examples of Java applications that use these concepts to build complex software systems.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in Java and all the OOP concepts that Java offers. You will feel confident and ready to create Java applications and work on Java projects at the next level. So let's get started!

March 24, 2023

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